Let your


Drive your argument


Oscar Story-Lining Visuals

Let your Visuals drive your argument during Management Committee presentations.

Story-line and storyboard, informative (inductive) or persuasive (deductive) presentations.

Identify appropriate visuals (chart, text, tables, graphics) that have evidential data not ‘motherhood/feel good statements’.

Demonstrate creating clear and concise visuals that help audiences understand & absorb the visual’s: Message/Main Point/Summarising Idea/Deductive Statement/Lead in Statement or Headline.

Demonstrate choosing the right type of comparison in a chart/graph to highlight specific conclusions from analysed data.

Programme Highlights

Why tell this Story?

Unmask the objective of the presentation. Peel back the rhetoric to identify what the audience already knows to identify ‘what new facts the audience wants or needs’.

The 20min Challenge

Participants practice a new methodology to draft a presentation in less than 20 minutes.

What is my Story?

Storyboarding Visuals for Management Committees with relevant story-lines is part of the planning process. It is dependent on the objective of the presentation either being informative (inductive) or persuasive (deductive). Determine the argument with data that supports your position. Develop a message that is brief, to the point and summarises the data for each visual.

Where is the Drama?

Identify appropriate ‘dramatic’ visuals (chart, text, tables, graphics) that are pertinent to each section of the story. The Visuals must include evidential data. Visuals should help audiences follow the argument being portrayed.

Identify the Comparison to create a better Graph/Chart

Identify the relevant Comparison/Relationship/Composition or Distribution based on your message to choose the best graph to be visually appealing the audience.

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